Raising and Lowering the Flash (_ _ Flash Pop-up Control)
Slide tile _ _ (flash pop-up)control (_) to make tile flash pop up ((2}).
• See "Using tile Flash" (_ 32) for more information on setting tile flash.
• If the flash will not be used, gently lower tile flash until it clicks into place.
The Shutter-release Button
Tile camera features a two-stage shutter-release button. To set focus and
exposure, press tile shutter-release button halfway, stopping when you feel
resistance. When tile shutter-release button is pressed halfway, focus and
exposure (shutter speed and aperture value) are set. Focus and exposure remain
locked while tile shutter-release button is pressed halfway.
While the shutter-release button is held in this position, release the shutter and
take a picture by pressing the shutter-release button the rest of the way down. Do
not use force when pressing the shutter-release button, as this may result in
camera shake and blurred images.
Press halfway to set focus
and exposure
Press the rest of the way
clown to take a picture