I_1 (auto) -) MENU(Shooting menu) -') Metering
The process of measuring the brightness of the subject to determine exposure is
known as metering.
Choose how the camera meters exposure.
[] Matrix (defaUltsetting)
Usesa wide area of the screen for metering. This metering mode provides the
appropriate exposure for avariety of shooting conditions. Recommended for typical
The camera meters the entire frame but assigns greatest weight to the subject in
the center of the frame. Classic meter for portraits; preserves background details
while letting lighting conditions at the center of the frame determine exposure. Can
be used with focus lock (_ 55) to meter off-center subjects.
_1_ Noteon Metering
While digital zoom isin effect, metering isset to center weighted metering or spot metering (the
areain the center of the monitor ismetered). The active metering areais not displayed.
[] Metering Settings
This setting can be set bypressing the MENUbutton even when usingcontinuous shooting mode
(_ 80), I_1(auto) mode and continuous shooting mode share the same Metering setting.
[] Metering Area
Theactive metering area isdisplayed in the monitor when Center-weighted isselected for
Act ve metering area