Focusing on a Moving Subject (Subject Tracking)
Usethis mode to take pictures of moving subjects. By registering a sublet:t, the
camera can move the focus area automatically to track the subject.
1 Press the MENUbutton in l_l (auto) modeor [ I %,_ _:
continuous mode. / I _Jf
hoo ,n or
2 Use the rotary multi selector to select Subject
tracking in the AF area mode option and
press the _) button,
AFareamode.-_ _ 53
Pressthe MENUbutton afterchanging the settingsand
returnto the shooting screen.
e ,st rasub e t,
Alignthe subjectwith thewhite border atthe center of
theframeandpressthe_) button.
• Thesubject isregistered.
• Whenthecameraisunabletofocusonthe subJect,the
borderwill glow red.Changethe composition andtry
registeringthe subjectagain.
When the subjectisregistered,ayellow double border
(focusarea)isdisplayedaroundthat subject.
To changethe subject,pressthe _) button to deregister
thecurrent subject.
Ifthecameracannot trackthe registeredsubject
anymore,the focusareawill disappearand the
registrationwill becanceled.Registerthe subjectagain.