ISO Sensitivity
I_1(auto)-) MENU -_ ISO
(Shooting menu) sensitivity
When ISOsensitivity isincreased, less light is needed when taking pictures.
Higher ISOsensitivity allows darker subjects to be captured. Additionally, even
with subjects of similar brig htness, pictures can be taken at faster shutter speeds,
and blurring caused by camera shake and subject movement can be reduced.
• Although higher ISOsensitivity is effective when shooting darker subjects,
shooting without the flash, shooting with the camera zoomed in,etc., images
may contain noise.
Auto (default setting)
SensitivityisISO160whenthere issufficient lighting; thecameracompensatesby
raisingsensitivityto amaximumof JSQ800when lighting isdim.
Fixed rangeauto
Limitsthe ISOsensitivityto ISO]60-400when the cameraautomaticallyadjusts[SO
sensitivity.The camerasetsthe maximum valuefor ISOsensitivityto 400for
effectivecontrol overtheamount of"grain"that appearsinimages.
160,200,400, 800,1600, 3200
ISOsensitivityislockedatthe specifiedvalue.
The icon for the ISOsensitivity setting is displayed in the monitor (_ 6).
• When Auto isselected, the _ icon isnot displayed at [SO160,but isdisplayed
ifthe ISOsensitivity automatically increases to more than 160 (_ 34).
• When Fixed range auto is selected, _ 400 is displayed.
_1_ Notes on ISO Sensitivity
• This function cannot be used simultaneously with certain functions, See "Camera Settings that
Cannot Be Applied Simultaneously" (_ 87) for more information.
• Motion detection (_ 180) does not function when the ISO sensitivity is set to any setting other
than Auto.
[] ISO Sensitivity Settings
This setting can be set by pressing the MENUbutton even when using continuous shooting mode
(_ 80), I_ (auto) mode and continuous shooting mode share the same ISO sensitivity setting.