The Rotary Multi Selector
Rotate the rotary multi selector, press its upper (A), lower (V), left (_), or right
side (1_),or press the _) button.
Rotate to select an item* \ _ (_ 32) menu
< , . , _/_ Display creative slider
Display_ tselt-timer._ f,_i_/Z_,,_ ,r_q 40 _
(_ 35) menu _ [k_,i _ .....
_w/_ uispiay _ texposure
/_-_;_ compensation (_] 44
App y se ection l guide
Display _ (macro mode) (_] 39) menu
Items can also be selected by pressing the rotary multi selector up or down,
Display _ (flash mode) _g
Select previous _ Display histogram and
pictures* [ _ /shooting information
_-----J_ Select subsequent
Previous or subsequent pictures can also be selected by rotating the
rotary multi selector,
Menu Screen
Move the highlight _/r_,.%_
left or return to _!_ '"r_ _\\_ _
previousscreen _
Apply selection /T
(go to next screen) /
Move the highlight down*
* The highlight can also be moved by rotating the rotary multi selector.
Move the highlight up*
Move the highlight right
or go to next screen
(apply selection)