Sending Commands From a PC Section 5-3
Communications Flags The execution status of the SEND(090), RECV(098), and CMND(490) instruc-
tions is always reflected by the communications flags (i.e., the Communica-
tions Port Enabled Flag and the Communications Port Error Flag). The CS/
CJ-series CPU Unit’s communications flags are allocated in the Auxiliary Area
as shown in the following table.
Note With CS/CJ-series PCs, communications ports 0 to 7 are also used for exe-
cuting the PCMR(260) (PROTOCOL MACRO) instruction, so these flags are
used in common for SEND(090), RECV(098), CMND(490), and PCMR(260).
While PCMR(260) is being executed, SEND(090), RECV(098), and
CMND(490) cannot be executed at the same communications port.
Communications Port
Completion Codes
The status of a SEND(090), RECV(098), and CMND(490) instruction after
execution is reflected as a communications port completion code, in one word
(two bytes) of data as shown in the following table. (The value is 0000 during
instruction execution.) The recorded status is saved until execution of the next
The meanings of the communications port completion codes are the same as
those for FINS commands and responses. When CMND(490) is used, how-
ever, even if a FINS command has an abnormal completion, it will not be
reflected in the communications port completion code. For details, refer to
Communications Port Error Flag and Completion Codes for CMND(490)
Bits 08 to 15 in the communications port completion code correspond to the
first byte of the response code, and bits 00 to 07 correspond to the second
byte. For details, refer to 10-6 Troubleshooting with Response Codes.
Flag name Address Contents
Word Bits
Communications Port
Enabled Flag
A202 Bit 7: Port 7
Bit 6: Port 6
Bit 5: Port 5
Bit 4: Port 4
Bit 3: Port 3
Bit 2: Port 2
Bit 1: Port 1
Bit 0: Port 0
OFF: Execution enabled
(being executed)
ON: Execution disabled
(not being executed)
Communications Port
Error Flag
A219 Bit 7: Port 7
Bit 6: Port 6
Bit 5: Port 5
Bit 4: Port 4
Bit 3: Port 3
Bit 2: Port 2
Bit 1: Port 1
Bit 0: Port 0
OFF: Normal completion
ON: Abnormal completion
Word Contents
A203 Communications Port 0 Completion Code
A204 Communications Port 1 Completion Code
A205 Communications Port 2 Completion Code
A206 Communications Port 3 Completion Code
A207 Communications Port 4 Completion Code
A208 Communications Port 5 Completion Code
A209 Communications Port 6 Completion Code
A210 Communications Port 7 Completion Code