
Using File Memory Section 7-3
Note The HMC-AP001 PC Card Adapter can be used to mount a Memory Card in a
PC card slot on a computer.
File Types
The MS-DOS file format is used, allowing the files to be handled as normal
files on a Windows-based computer.
File Names Files are distinguished by assigning file names and extensions. The following
characters can be used in file names and extensions:
Alphanumeric characters: A to Z and 0 to 9. (Names converted to all-caps)
! & $ # ’ [ ] - ^ ( ) _
The following characters cannot be used in files names and extensions:
, . / ? * ” : ; << > = + (spaces)
File names are not case sensitive and will be converted to all-caps in the PC
file system. File names can be up to 8 character long with 3-character exten-
sions. An error will occur if a file name or extension is too long. The first period
(.) in a file name will be taken as the delimiter between the file name and
extension. Extensions are determined by the file type.
Directories Up to five levels of directories (including root as the first level) can be created
as file storage locations. A maximum of 65 characters can be used in direc-
tory names.