Internode Test Section 9-3
Note The internode test does not count errors when a routing table error or send
parameter error has occurred.
Error Flags The bits corresponding to errors are turned ON if errors occur. The flag status
is maintained until the internode test is run again.
Number of Test Runs and Errors
The number of test runs and total errors from the time the test is started until it
is stopped is stored. The configuration of this area is shown in the following
table. Each result is stored at a word relative to the first word the address of
which can be calculated using the following formula:
Word = D03000 + (100 x unit number) + 4 to +8
Note 1. The contents of the test status area and test runs/errors area are main-
tained until the internode test is run again.
2. When the number of tests counts to the maximum value (FFFF), subse-
quent internode test runs are counted from 0. However, the maximum val-
ue is maintained and further errors are not counted when the number of
errors reaches the maximum value.
1 0 0 Data not matched
1 0 1 Routing table error (See note.)
1 1 0 Send parameter error (See note.)
Bit Description
15 14 13
Offset Contents
+4 Number of internode test runs
+5 Number of timeout errors
+6 Number of response errors
+7 Number of send errors
+8 Number of times data did not match