
DM Area Allocations Section 4-4
When the count reaches FFFF (Hex), it will start over again at 0. The count
value will be retained until the internode test is restarted.
Note When a routing table error or a transmission parameter error occurs, the num-
ber of internode tests is not incremented.
Number of Internode Test Timeout Errors (Ethernet Unit to CPU Unit)
The number of timeout errors that have occurred in the internode test is
stored in this word in hexadecimal.
0000 to FFFF (Hex): 0 to 65,535 times
When the count reaches FFFF (Hex), it will not go any further. The count
value will be retained until the internode test is restarted.
Number of Internode Test Response Errors (Ethernet Unit to CPU Unit)
The number of response errors that have occurred in the internode test is
stored in this word in hexadecimal.
0000 to FFFF (Hex): 0 to 65,535 times
When the count reaches FFFF (Hex), it will not go any further. The count
value will be retained until the internode test is restarted.
Number of Internode Test Transmission Errors (Ethernet Unit to CPU Unit)
The number of transmission errors that have occurred in the internode test is
stored in this word in hexadecimal.
0000 to FFFF (Hex): 0 to 65,535 times
When the count reaches FFFF (Hex), it will not go any further. The count
value will be retained until the internode test is restarted.
Number of Times Internode Test Data Did Not Match (Ethernet Unit to CPU Unit)
The number of data disagreement errors that have occurred in the internode
test is stored in this word in hexadecimal.
0000 to FFFF (Hex): 0 to 65,535 times
When the count reaches FFFF (Hex), it will not go any further. The count
value will be retained until the internode test is restarted.
TCP Socket No. (1 to 8) Connection Status (Ethernet Unit to CPU Unit)
The connection status for each TCP socket is stored by code in this word. For
details, refer to Appendix D TCP Status Transitions.
Number of timeout errors (0000 to FFFF)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number of response errors (0000 to FFFF)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number of transmission errors (0000 to FFFFHex)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number of data disagreement errors (0000 to FFFF)
TCP connection status
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
m+9 to m+16