Socket Applications Section 11-2
11-2-2 PC Memory Areas
The memory areas of the PC that can be specified for results storage when
executing commands from the PC are listed in the table below. The Variable
type is set in the first byte of the results storage area. The remaining three
bytes contain the address for communications.
Addresses in the Addresses for communications column are not the same as
the actual memory addresses.
Note The variable types (area designations) given in parentheses can also be
used, allowing CV-series or CVM1 programs to be more easily corrected for
use with CS/CJ-series PCs.
Word and Bit Addresses Three bytes of data are used to express data memory addresses of PCs. The
most significant two bytes give the word address and the least significant byte
gives the bit number between 00 and 15. The word address combined with
the bit number expresses the bit address. The bit number is always 00
because Ethernet Units can handle only word data, i.e., individual bits cannot
be addressed.
Word addresses for specific memory area words can be calculated by con-
verting the normal decimal word address to hexadecimal and adding it to the
first word in the Addresses for communications column in the above table. For
example, the address for communications for D00200 would be 0000 (from
above table) plus C8 (decimal 200 converted to hexadecimal), or 00C8.
Data type Word addresses Addresses for
Bit Areas Current
value of
CIO CIO 0000 to CIO 6143 000000 to 17FF00 B0 (80)* 2
HR H000 to H511 000000 to 01FF00 B2
A A448 to A959 01C000 to 03BF00 B3
DM Area DM D00000 to D32767 000000 to 7FFF00 82 2
EM Area Bank 0 E0_E00000 to E0_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A0 (90)* 2
Bank 1 E1_E00000 to E1_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A1 (91)*
Bank 2 E2_E00000 to E2_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A2 (92)*
Bank 3 E3_E00000 to E3_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A3 (93)*
Bank 4 E4_E00000 to E4_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A4 (94)*
Bank 5 E5_E00000 to E5_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A5 (95)*
Bank 6 E6_E00000 to E6_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A6 (96)*
Bank 7 E7_E00000 to E7_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A7 (97)*
Bank 8 E8_E00000 to E8_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A8 2
Bank 9 E9_E00000 to E9_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 A9 2
Bank A EA_E00000 to EA_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 AA 2
Bank B EB_E00000 to EB_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 AB 2
Bank C EC_E00000 to EC_E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 AC 2
Current bank E00000 to E32765 000000 to 7FFF00 98 2
Word Bit