DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
User Manual SW 6005 CAA ver 6.2 RevA.docx
Conference Mode 4.3.1
Select one of the seven available modes for the conference:
Seat Table
This mode is used to
create a list of
delegates with
names of all the
delegates attending
the conference. Each
delegate is assigned
a seat with a
microphone. The
gnment of seats
is done by clicking
the ‘Del. Seat Table’
button. Se later
section: ‘Creating a
Delegate Seat Table’.
Figure 4.3-C
A seat, having a PC running the CUA Application, will show the name and other
information of the delegate on the Language Selection Screen and other screens and
on various lists.
Selecting this option will allow permanent delegates to login at the CUA Application
using their individual ‘login code’.
If the functionality “Setup/Equipment/Chip Card (CC)/Chip Card Setup:
Cards in Conference Units” is selected, the login code is taken from a chip card
inserted in the conference unit. In this case the user will not be presented for a login
screen when starting the CUA.
Delegates using conference units without chip card reader will be shown on various
delegate screens/lists with the seat number instead of their name.
on Seat
Selecting this option will allow permanent delegates to be assigned a specific seat
with a microphone. The delegates has to login at the CUA Application using their
individual login codes, but the delegate can only login to the seat assigned to him.
If the functionality “Setup/Equipment/Chip Card (CC)/Chip Card
Cards in Conference Units” is selected, the login code is taken from a chip card
inserted in the conference unit. Then the user will not be presented for a login
screen when starting the CUA.
Delegates using conference units without chip card reader will be shown on various
delegate screens/lists with the seat number instead of their name.
on List
Selecting this option will allow delegates present on a Delegate Seat Table to login at
the CUA Application using their individual login codes at any seat.
If the functionality “Setup/Equipment/Chip Card (CC)
/Chip Card Setup: Using Chip
Cards in Conference Units” is selected, the login code is taken from a chip card
inserted in the conference unit. Then the user will not be pres
screen when starting the CUA.
Delegates using conference units without chip card reader will be shown on various
delegate screens/lists with the seat number instead of their name.