DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
User Manual SW 6005 CAA ver 6.2 RevA.docx
Report Names 4.10.5
Report Names are not translated in the label editor but translated is done by changing part of the report
name. The reports are placed in the ‘Reports’ folders at this path: …\Program Files (x86)\DIS\Conference
Administrator Application\Reports.
Applied rules
The names shown in the drop-down box in the CAA are generated directly from the file names for the
reports in the CAA report folder. This is done for making the report section generic with the purpose that
additional reports can be added without making any programming. The side effect is, that report names
are not translated in the label editor, but translation has to be done by changing part of the report name.
The renaming of the report can be done following those guidelines:
1. The first word in the filename is ignored and is not shown in the CAA. This name should not be
translated due to the categorization of the reports, but is in praxis without importance.
2. If the second word is ‘default’ then this must be maintained and not translated as the reports
containing the word ‘default’ will be used as the default reports in the CAA. The ‘default’ note can
of course be move to another report.
3. If the second word is ‘subreport’ the report are not to be translated, as the report is used as
reference for other reports. If renamed the other reports will fail. ‘Subreports’ are not shown in
the CAA so renaming is unnecessary
4. The rest of the file name (of course exclusive the file end .rdlc) can be translated.
Report shown in CAA - Reports