DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
User Manual SW 6005 CAA ver 6.2 RevA.docx
Chip Card (CC) 4.7.6
Chip Card functionality is a
feature where delegates
identify themselves
system by use of a DIS Chip
Card. The Chip
Card contains
information like User ID,
Login Code and Location ID,
which the DCS 6000 system
uses to identify the user of
the Conference Unit by
getting the personal details
from the ‘delegate’ database
in the SW 6000.
Figure 4.7-I
When a conference is started with conference mode: ‘Login Using Code’, ‘Login Using Code on Seat’,
Login Using Code on List’, ‘Login Using Code on Preferred Seat’, or ‘Automatic Login on Preferred Seat’
units are checked for a valid chip card.
When a card is inserted in a conference unit, the software will identify the user by matching the ‘User ID’
in the ‘Delegate’ database with the ‘User ID’ on the card. After this match the ‘Login Code’ will be checked
and first then the cards will be accepted.
The microphone button will then work, however depending on the ‘User type’ of the logged in person,
the person may be allowed to vote.
If the card is not inserted or is invalid, the microphone and voting button are not usable, however the
loudspeaker and channel selector will still work
If chip cards have to be used
in the system click this button
Figure 4.7-J
Conference Units
Tick this option, if chip cards are to be used in the system