DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
User Manual SW 6005 CAA ver 6.2 RevA.docx
Passed formula
A vote session can result in either ‘Passed’ or ‘Not passed’. If the Quorum formula is used and the result is
“true” being ‘Quorum obtained’ the result is calculated based on the formula specified in the Passed field.
If the result of the formula is ‘true’ the result is ‘Passed’
If the result of the formula is anything else than ‘true’ the result is ‘Not passed
If Quorum was not obtained the result is always ‘Not passed – Quorum not met’ regardless of the result of
this calculation.
The result of the Passed formula is displayed on the various vote result screens right after finishing the
vote session. ‘Passed’ is in clear green colour and ‘Not passed’ in clear red colour.
Please refer to the paragraph “Use of Voting Group parameter” for details about the variables to use.
Here are some different examples that show ways of calculating:
Passed if Yes votes are more than No votes
Passed if Yes votes are more than No+Abstain
We have exactly 120 appointed Members and
more than half of them must vote Yes
regardless of how many of them are present
during the voting:
Exactly half or more of the present delegates
must vote Yes:
sum(Vote1) >= (sum(Present) / 2)
Vote display column formula
The result of the voting sessions is displayed on several CUA screens or CDA screens in different ways.
Either as plain numbers due to the limited space on the screen or as column charts with numbers.
Up to nine different results column formulas with labels can be used. For each of the column formulas the
user must specify a header label, colour and a width. The widths are used on the CUA and CDA Result
Please refer to the paragraph “Use of Voting Group parameter” for details about the variables to use.
Here are some different examples that show ways of calculating:
Total number of YES votes
Total number of ABSTAIN votes
To calculate the sum of those who did not vote
at all
To display the total count of available seats in
the hall