DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
User Manual SW 6005 CAA ver 6.2 RevA.docx Formula fields
Instead of hard-coding a set of predefined rules a number of formula fields can be implemented. Each of
the formula fields allow the user to specify a formula calculation using the below command syntax.
Value = 1 for individual Delegates who pressed button 1. Can be used to
calculate totals depending on Parameter
Value = 1 for individual Delegates who pressed button 2. Can be used to
calculate totals depending on Parameter
Value = 1 for individual Delegates who pressed button 3. Can be used to
calculate totals depending on Parameter
Value = 1 for individual Delegates who pressed button 4. Can be used to
calculate totals depending on Parameter
Value = 1 for individual Delegates who pressed button 5. Can be used to
calculate totals depending on Parameter
Value is always 1. Can be used to calculate totals depending on
A way of grouping the permanently created delegates. This could be
political party membership or nationality etc.
A value indicating the Delegate’s weight in vote sessions. It could be
number of shares etc.
Sum of delegates who pressed button 1. Multiplied with Weight if
‘Weight in use’ parameter is checked.
Sum of delegates who pressed button 2. Multiplied with Weight if
Weight in use parameter is checked.
Sum of delegates who pressed button 3. Multiplied with Weight if
Weight in use parameter is checked.
Sum of delegates who pressed button 4. Multiplied with Weight if
Weight in use parameter is checked.
Sum of delegates who pressed button 5. Multiplied with Weight if
Weight in use parameter is checked.
Sum of Seats configured in CAA/Setup/Equipment/Conference Units
Sum of delegates who have indicated presence using the Present button
during attendance check and delegates who did not participate in the
attendance check but did participate in the voting session.
Voting weight is taken into account.
Sum of delegates with voting right who have indicated presence using
the Present button during attendance check.
Voting weight is taken into account.
Sum of the logged in users with voting right multiplied with Weight if
Weight in use parameter is checked
Sum of the logged in users with voting right
Sum of the votes, which has been delegated to others right multiplied
with Weight of the delegated vote if Weight in use parameter is checked