
764 Digital Audio Monitor User Manual
The Tektronix 764 Digital Audio Monitor shown in Figure 1 is a tool
for monitoring the signal levels and stereo phase of digitally-encoded
(AES/EBU and IEC 958 consumer use) audio in a production
environment. The instrument can simultaneously display the levels
of two two-channel inputs, and the stereo phase relationship of any
two of the four input channels. It can also display numerical data
about the audio program material as well as Channel Status and
User Data information encoded in the digital audio signal.
Figure 1: The Tektronix 764 Digital Audio Monitor
Through on-screen menus and front-panel controls, the user may
configure the response dynamics (ballistics), reference levels, offset,
and scale of the meters to suit the monitoring needs of the particular
installation or situation. The user may also choose among several
types of stereo phase display.
This Manual
This User Manual is divided into the following sections:
H Getting Started All the information youll need to put your
new instrument in service. Begins on page 13.