
764 Digital Audio Monitor User Manual
Operating Basics
This section contains the basic information needed to use your 764.
The subsections are: Overview, Front Panel Controls, The Level
Meters, The Phase Display, The Session Display, Session Reports,
The Channel Status View, The User Data View, and Other Features.
Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with this section
and the information contained in it. Consult the text whenever you
have a question regarding instrument operation. Because the
Tektronix 764 Digital Audio Monitor is intended as a tool for use in
a production environment, every effort has been made to keep
operation as simple and intuitive as possible. An attempt has also
been made to keep this section of the manual brief and easy to use.
You will find detailed information about the more technical aspects
of 764 operation in the Reference section of this manual.
The 764 permits in-line monitoring of the audio program contained
in a digital audio signal without first converting it to analog form. In
addition, it can report and interpret the ancillary data that is
transmitted through the Channel Status and User Data bits of the
digital data stream.
The 764 uses three display views to perform those functionsthe
Audio view, the Channel Status view, and the User Data viewas
described in the following paragraphs. (To locate buttons mentioned
in the text, refer to Front Panel Controls beginning on page 16.)
Monitoring an Audio Program with the Audio View
The Audio view (with the Session Statistics displayed, as shown in
Figure 12) is the power-up default configuration of the 764.
Otherwise, the Audio View is never more than two button presses
1. Press the CLEAR MENU button to exit any on-screen menu.
2. Press the VIEW:AUDIO button.