
764 Digital Audio Monitor User Manual
page 19) appears in a level meter, and it also affects the number of
clips detected during a Session and included in a session report (refer
to The Session Display beginning on page 29). The range for this
setting is 0 to 100; a setting of 0 turns mute detection Off, in which
case no mutes will be reported on the session display or in a session
report. The factory default is 10.
CLIP/MUTE Hold Time (sec). CLIP/MUTE hold time is the number of
seconds that the Clip indicator and various In-bar warning messages
will persist after the end of the Clip, Mute, or error condition. For
more information, refer to In-Bar Warning Messages beginning on
page 44.
Ignore Validity Bit. Ignore Validity Bit determines how the instrument
will react to a high (value 1) validity bit in the input data. In
AES3-1992 digital audio, a high validity bit indicates that the sample
word is not suitable for conversion to audio. When this item is set to
the factory default of No, the 764 will ignore any sample
accompanied by a high validity bit, display a V BIT flag in the
level meter, and report invalid samples on the session display and
report. When set to Yes, invalid sample reporting will be turned Off,
and the instrument will treat all samples as valid.
Suppress Sync Loss Flags. Use this setting to suppress the SYNC ERR
flags and No Reference Signal message when no DAR (digital
audio reference) is connected to the REFERENCE input, or to
prevent nuisance flashing of the SYNC ERR message when the
input signals have differing sample rates.