
Appendix B: Error/Warning Messages
764 Digital Audio Monitor User Manual
Location: In-bar.
(Code error.) A bi-phase coding violation has occurred in the digital
data stream. All affected data samples are unreliable, and are
therefore ignored. The instrument treats affected samples as zero
samples for use by the meter bars and phase display.
The CODE ERRor indicator persists for the CLIP/MUTE Hold
Time, set through the Level Meters submenu. During a Session, the
instrument counts code violations and displays the current total on
the Session display.
CRC Error
Location: Channel Status View (lower-left corner).
The Cyclic Redundancy Code calculated by the 764 does not agree
with that calculated by the originating equipment and transmitted in
Channel Status byte 23 of the digital input signal. This discrepancy
usually results from errors in digital signal transmission.
Location: Audio View, above meter bar of affected channel.
De-emphasis is in effect on the indicated channel. Will appear above
the affected meter bar when CCITT J.17 or 50/15 ms de-emphasis is
selected through the De-emphasis submenu, or when AUTO is
selected and pre-emphasis is indicated in the channel status bits of
the input signal.
This message persists as long as the instrument is applying
de-emphasis to the input channel.