
764 Digital Audio Monitor User Manual
H Printer Communications Settings:
ESP (automatic protocol sensing)
9600 (baud)
8 (bits)
1 (stop bit)
DTR/DSR (flow control)
H 764 Serial Port settings:
Flow Control = HARDWARE
Baud Rate = 9600
Communicating with a PC. You can use the software and settings below
to establish communications with a personal computer.
H PC Software: Microsoft Windows 95 Hyperterminal Accessory
application. Many other communications or terminal applications
also work.
H Hyperterminal application File menu, Properties command,
Connect To tab settings:
Connect Using = COM
X (depends on computer configuration;
often COM2 when a serial mouse is installed)
Baud Rate = 19200 (or 38400)
Bits = 8
Stop Bits = 1
Parity = none
Flow Control = Xon/Xoff
H 764 Serial Port settings:
Flow Control = SOFTWARE
Baud Rate = 19200 (or 38400)
Be sure to set compatible baud rates before attempting to establish
communications. At power-on of the 764, a command prompt (764>)
and product identification message will be displayed on the PC or
terminal screen when connected.