The Pattern Editor
3-96 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
5. Specify bit width in the Data Range From and Data Range To.
These two parameters specify the counter bit width and the position in the data.
The markers are also available.
6. Push the OK side button.
Inserting Data From Files
You can import pattern data from a file on the floppy drive, hard disk, or the
network, to any location in the current pattern edit window. The data is inserted at
the active cursor position. Importing data results in an increase in the record length
(number of points) of the pattern.
Do the following steps to import pattern data from a file:
1. Move the cursor to the position to which you want to move the data.
2. Push File (bottom)!Insert from File... (pop–up)! ENTER (front).
3. Select the file from the Select File dialog box.
4. Push the OK side button.
Set Pattern...
This command generates a binary pattern (0 and 1 values) for the cursor–to–cursor
waveform data or markers. You have two options of generating this pattern: you
can enter the new data using the numeric buttons or keyboard, or you can import
the pattern from the current edit area between the cursors. You can specify the data
or markers with Target, which is displayed in the Set Pattern dialog box, regardless
of the scope selection.
Set Pattern dialog box. Figure 3-23 shows the Set Pattern dialog box that lets you
set a pattern.
Figure 3-23: Set Pattern dialog box