AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual Index-9
Same as A
Wavefrom Mixing, 3-245
Same as B
Waveform Mixing, 3-246
Sample waveforms, D-1
disk application, 3-138
jitter composer application, 3-152
Save As, 2-22
Save As command, 3-58
Save command, 3-58
Save Mixed Wfm
Wavefrom Mixing, 3-244
Save Mixed Wfm menu button, 3-244
Save Setup menu button, 3-49
save to new file name, 2-22
Save/Restore menu button, 3-34, 3-35, 3-48
saving files, 2-21
saving setup parameters, 2-40
saw( ), 3-201
scale, 3-205
Screen Display Enable/Disable
setup, 3-158
screen icons, 2-35
SETUP, 2-35
network standard, 3-145
resetting and removing files, 3-159
Selecting data to edit, 3-92, 3-93
selecting text in Equation editor, 3-112
Self tests
at power-on, 1-15
calibration, B-4, B-58
diagnostics, B-2, B-56
Sequence editor
Async, 3-126
copying a line, 3-121
cursor movement, 3-120
cutting a line, 3-121
EVENT IN connector, 3-125
inserting a line, 3-120
limitations, 3-128
line number, 3-118
logic jump, 3-125
opening the editor, 3-117
pasting a line, 3-121
Strobe, 3-126
Sync, 3-126
table jump, 3-125
timing, 3-126
Sequence file
text format, G-1
sequence file load restrictions, 3-36
Set Data High/Low command, 3-62
set output parameters, 2-38
Set Pattern command, 3-68, 3-96
Setting parameters
quick edit, 3-103
Settings menu button, 3-82, 3-91
date and time, 3-159
Focused Color, 3-158
Screen Display Enable/Disable, 3-158
Setup overview
outputting a waveform, 2-39
setup overview, 2-34
setup parameters
loading from a file, 2-40
saving to a file, 2-40
SETUP screen, 2-34
Setup window
Amplitude, 3-38
Clock, 3-40
Clock Ref, 3-42
Clock Src, 3-43
Continuous, 3-44
Direct Out, 3-39
Edit, 3-37
Enhanced, 3-45
equation file loading, 3-37
Extended Operation, 3-50
FG mode, 3-50
Filter Through, 3-38
Gated, 3-45
Horizontal menu, 3-40
Impedance, 3-47
Interval, 3-48
Load, 3-36
Marker, 3-39
Offset, 3-39
opening, 3-33
outputting a signal, 3-51
Polarity, 3-47
Restore Setup, 3-49
Run Mode, 3-44
Save Setup, 3-49
Save/Restore, 3-48
sequence file restrictions, 3-36
Setup screen elements, 3-33
Slope, 3-47
Synchronous Operation, 3-50
Trigger, 3-46
Trigger Level, 3-47
Trigger Source, 3-46
Triggered, 3-44
View, 3-37
Waveform Mixing, 3-50
waveform/pattern load restrictions, 3-36
window icon descriptions, 3-34
Ethernet, 3-162
for hardcopy, 3-170
SHIFT button, 2-13
Shift Register Generator command, 3-66
shortcut controls, 2-15
side menu buttons, 2-9
sign( ), 3-201