Appendix A: Specifications (AWG710)
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual A-29
Table A-32: Clock generator
Characteristics Description PV reference page
Sampling frequency 50.000 000 kHz to 4.000 000 0 GHz
Resolution 8 digits
Internal clock
Page B-98n Frequency accuracy ±1 ppm (10 °C to 40 °C), during 1 year after calibration
Phase noise at 1/4 clock output,
Ty p i c a l
(Data Clock is 1/4th of the output sample rate)
-80 dBc / Hz (1 GHz with 10 kHz offset)
-100 dBc/Hz (1 GHz with 100 kHz offset)
The internal reference oscillator is used.
Table A-33: Internal trigger generator
Characteristics Description PV reference page
Internal trigger rate
±0.1 %Accuracy
Range 1.0 µs to 10.0 s
Resolution 3 digits, minimum 0.1 µs
The internal reference oscillator is used.
Table A-34: Main output
Description PV reference page
Output connector front–panel SMA connectors
Output signal Complemental; CH1 and CH1
DA converter
Resolution 8 bits
Differential nonlinearity Within ±1/2 LSB
Integral nonlinearity Within ±1 LSB
Output impedance 50 Ω
Normal out (except option 02)
-1.5 V to +1.5 V, into a 50 Ω loadOutput voltage
20 mV
to 2 V
, into a 50 Ω loadRange
Resolution 1 mV
n DC accuracy ±(2.0 % of amplitude + 2 mV), offset: 0 V Page B-72