The Equation Editor
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-115
Compiling Equations
The instrument cannot directly output an equation waveform. You must compile
the equation into a standard waveform file. You then load and output this
waveform file the same as any other waveform file. You can compile an equation
file from either the Equation editor or the main EDIT menu.
The syntax checker runs after you initiate the compile command. The error line
number is displayed if a syntax error is found.
Compiling from the
Equation Editor
Do the following steps to compile an equation from the Equation editor:
1. Push File (bottom)!Compile (side).
The instrument checks the equations for syntax errors. If the equation file
contains syntax errors, the instrument displays the line number it thinks
contains the syntax error. Push the OK side button to return to the editor and
correct the equation(s).
If the equations contain no syntax errors, the instrument compiles the equations
and saves them to a standard waveform file. The instrument then displays the
names of the new waveform file. By default, the instrument uses the equation
file name with a .wfm suffix.
2. Select the compiled waveform in the list, and push the View side button.
The instrument displays the waveform in the waveform view window.
3. Push the Close side button to return to the editor screen.