Index-4 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
file type extensions, 2-17
Filter Through menu button, 3-38
floor( ), 3-200
floppy disk drive, 2-2, 2-3
floppy disk usage, 3-157
Floppy diskm
performance verification, B-11, B-64
fname.clock, 3-205
fname.size, 3-205
Focused Color
setup, 3-158
Focused color, 1-3
for/to, 3-196
Form fields
CH1, 3-118
CH1 / CH2 Digital, 3-122
Clock, 3-83
Count Down, 3-95
Count Up, 3-95
Cursor Link, 3-84
Cursor Position, 3-97
Goto N, 3-118
Goto One, 3-123
Graycode, 3-95
Grid, 3-84
Horizontal Unit, 3-84
Interpolation, 3-84
Johnson, 3-95
Logic Jump, 3-118, 3-124
Pattern, 3-97
Repeat Count, 3-118, 3-122
Table Type, 3-83
Target, 3-97
Total Points, 3-83, 3-97
Update Mode, 3-84
Use Code Table, 3-97
View, 3-83
Wait Trigger, 3-118, 3-123
Format as text
sequence file, G-1
formatting a floppy disk, 3-157
front panel controls, 2-1
front panel menu buttons, 2-9
FTP commands, 3-169
FTP link
Ethernet, 3-169
fuse, 1-11
Gated menu button, 3-45
general purpose knob, 2-12
general purpose knob direction, 3-156
Goto N field, 3-118
Goto One field, 3-123
GPIB, 1-2
parameters, 3-160
procedures for setups, 3-160
GPIB Interface
Setups, 3-160
Graphical waveform editor
bottom menu buttons, 3-57
graphical waveform editor screen, 3-55
Graycode counter pattern, 3-95
Graycode field, 3-95
Grid field, 3-84
Hardcopy, 3-170
execution, 3-171
file name, 3-172
Hardcopy format
Hardcopy setups, 3-170
network application, 3-144
Highlight Color
setup, 3-158
Horizontal Invert command, 3-65
Horizontal menu button, 3-34, 3-35, 3-40
Horizontal Rotate command, 3-63
Horizontal Shift command, 3-62
Horizontal Unit field, 3-84
hpf( ), 3-197
icons, Setup window, 3-34
IEEE Std. 488.2-1987, 3-185
if/then/else, 3-198
Illegal file format message, 3-36
Impedance menu button, 3-47
Import pattern, 3-70
importing data from file, 3-96
Importing files, 3-219
incoming inspection, 1-4
Insert From File command, 3-59
insert line, Sequence editor, 3-120
exterior, C-1
Inspection and cleaning
access, C-2
inspection and cleaning, C-1
compressed air, C-1
installation, 1-9
instrument clearance, 1-10
instrument setup, 2-53
Tutorial 1, 2-51
supported for waveform capture, 3-181
int( ), 3-200
integ( ), 3-198
Integral math function, 3-73
Interior inspection
procedures, C-2
internal calibration, 1-15