Regulatory Information
Phaser 300X Color Printer
Section IV — Physical data
Appearance and odor: Waxy solid, no odor. Black, blue (cyan), red
(magenta), or yellow.
Boiling point: Not applicable.
Vapor pressure: Negligible.
Specific gravity: Approximately 0.93.
Section V — Fire and explosion data
Flash point: Approximately 240° C (464° F).
Flammable limits: No data available.
Extinguishing media: Dry chemical, water, or CO
Special firefighting procedures: None.
Unusual fire and explosion hazards: None.
Section VI — Reactivity data
Stability: unstable ___ stable XXX.
Hazardous decomposition products: Information not available.
Incompatibilities (materials to avoid): None.
Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur.
Section VII — Special protection information
Respiratory protection: Not applicable.
Eye protection: Not applicable.
Protective gloves: Not applicable.
Section VIII — Special precautions
Handling and storage: None.
Conditions to avoid: High temperatures.
Section IX — Spill, leak, and disposal procedures
Spill or leak: Not applicable.
Disposal: This product is not a hazardous waste as specified in 40 CFR 261. Dispose in accordance with
all federal, state, and local regulations.
Section X — Other regulatory information
TSCA: “Tektronix has a Low Volume Exemption under the Toxic Substances Control Act for the dye in
the magenta ink stick. The magenta ink stick may be used only for commercial hot melt ink applications.
We certify that all other components of these products are included in the Toxic Substances Control Act
Chemical Substances Inventory as verified by our suppliers.“
SARA: Not reportable.
CERCLA: No reportable quantity for this material.
RCRA: TCLP below hazardous waste levels set by EPA.
DOT: Not regulated.
NMFC: 101760 Sub. 3 - Ink, Printing, N.O.I., Class 55.
Original Preparation Date: 11/2/93 R.C.
Tektronix, Incorporated
P.O. Box 500
Chemical Documentation
Mail stop 55-769
Beaverton, Oregon 97077
Printer information: 1-800-835-6100
MSDS information: (503) 627-7255
Emergency: (503) 627-7255