Getting Started 31
Returning to the Apps desktop from within an App
Returning to the Apps desktop from within an AppReturning to the Apps desktop from within an App
Returning to the Apps desktop from within an App
Press O. The icons for the last Apps category selected appear on the Apps desktop
with the icon for the last App opened highlighted.
You can also return to the Apps desktop by pressing 2K in full-screen mode. In
split-screen mode, press 2K twice.
To return to the last open App from the Apps desktop, press 2a.
Selecting an Apps category
Selecting an Apps categorySelecting an Apps category
Selecting an Apps category
On the TI-89 Titanium, the Apps category names appear only in the
F1 Menu. To select
an Apps category, press ƒ
2:Select Category and use the cursor keys to highlight an
Apps category, and then press ¸ to select the highlighted category. You can also
use the function key shortcuts to select a category from the keypad (use the 2 key if
necessary). The App icons for the selected category appear on the Apps desktop.
The App icons for the selected category appear on the Apps desktop.
Key Description
„ All
Icons for all installed Apps displayed. Not
… English
Customizable category. English is the default.
† SocialSt
Customizable category. SocialSt (social studies)
is the default.
‡ Math
Customizable category. Math is the default.