Polar Graphing 343
You can use the Define command from the Home screen (see the Technical Reference
module) to define functions and equations for any graphing mode, regardless of the
current mode.
The Y= Editor maintains an independent function list for each
Graph mode setting. For
example, suppose:
• In FUNCTION graphing mode, you define a set of
y(x) functions. You change to
POLAR graphing mode and define a set of
r(q) equations.
• When you return to FUNCTION graphing mode, your
y(x) functions are still defined
in the Y= Editor. When you return to POLAR graphing mode, your
r(q) equations are
still defined.
Selecting the Display Style
Selecting the Display StyleSelecting the Display Style
Selecting the Display Style
Above and Below styles are not available for polar equations and are dimmed on the
Y= Editor’s
Style toolbar menu.
Window Variables
Window VariablesWindow Variables
Window Variables
The Window Editor maintains an independent set of Window variables for each
mode setting (just as the Y= Editor maintains independent function lists). Polar graphs
use the following Window variables.
Variable Description
qmin, qmax Smallest and largest q values to evaluate.