Programming 642
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Running an Assembly-Language Program
Running an Assembly-Language ProgramRunning an Assembly-Language Program
Running an Assembly-Language Program
After a TI-89 Titanium assembly-language program is stored on your unit, you can run
the program from the Home screen just as you would any other program.
• If the program requires one or more arguments, type them within the ( ). Refer to the
program’s documentation to find out about required arguments.
• If the program is not in the current folder, be sure to specify the pathname.
You can call an assembly-language program from another program as a subroutine,
delete it, or use it the same as any other program.
Shortcuts to Run a Program
Shortcuts to Run a ProgramShortcuts to Run a Program
Shortcuts to Run a Program
On the Home screen, you can use keyboard shortcuts to run up to six user-defined or
assembly-language programs. However, the programs must have the following names.
On Home screen, press: To run a program, if any, named:
8 1
kbdprgm1( )
kbdprgm6( )