Programming 594
Folder Variables Variables that are stored in a particular folder.
• If you store to a variable name only, it is stored in the
current folder. For example:
• If you refer to a variable name only, that variable must
be in the current folder. Otherwise, it cannot be found
(even if the variable exists in a different folder).
• To store or refer to a variable in another folder, you must
specify a path name. For example:
(class = Variable name; start = Folder Name)
After the program stops, any folder variables created by
the program still exist and still take up memory.
Local Variables Temporary variables that exist only while a program is
running. When the program stops, local variables are
deleted automatically.
• To create a local variable in a program, use the Local
command to declare the variable.
• A local variable is treated as unique even if there is an
existing folder variable with the same name.
• Local variables are ideal for temporarily storing values
that you do not want to save.
Scope Description