Programming 633
Accessing Another
Accessing Another Accessing Another
Accessing Another TI-89 Titanium
TI-89 TitaniumTI-89 Titanium
TI-89 Titanium, a CBL 2, or a
, a CBL 2, or a , a CBL 2, or a
, a CBL 2, or a
If you link two graphing calculators (described in the Connectivity module), programs on
both units can transmit variables between them. If you link a TI-89 Titanium to a
Calculator-Based Laboratory™ (CBL 2™) or a Calculator-Based Ranger™ (CBR™), a
program on the TI-89 Titanium can access the CBL 2 or CBR.
F3 I/O Toolbar Menu
F3 I/O Toolbar MenuF3 I/O Toolbar Menu
F3 I/O Toolbar Menu
Use the Program Editor’s …
I/O toolbar menu
to enter the commands in this section.
1. Press … and select
2. Select a command.