Using logical processing
Using LCDS Print Description Language 3-7
TABLE command: points to note
• In an unmasked comparison (using only the CONSTANT
parameter of the TABLE command), characters in the string
constant that correspond positionally to those in the input
data string are tested for absolute equality, one character at a
• In a masked comparison (using the MASK parameter), before
the comparison is done for each character position, the
character in that position in the string constant is compared
against the mask characters that are specified by the user. If
a match is found, the corresponding data character is
ignored, or is tested only for the type indicated by the mask
TABLE command examples
Following are some examples of the TABLE command.
Example 1 In the sample TABLE commands below, the identifiers T1, T2,
and T3 are each referenced by a CRITERIA command.
Example 2 The following example illustrates the use of the MASK parameter
to determine whether a particular field in a data record contains
one of several different six character serial number formats.
Possible formats are: xx999x, x999x9, and 99x999.
In this example, x represents any alphabetic character, and 9
represents any numeric character.
If the input code type is EBCDIC, the VOLUME command
includes TCODE=EBCDIC. The TABLE command to find the
format x999x9 within the input data stream would look like:
T1: TABLE CONSTANT=('$$//');
T3: TABLE CONSTANT=(120)'*';
T1: TABLE MASK=('?','%','@'),