Using LCDS Print Description Language Glossary-15
typeface 1. All type of a single design. 2. Set of characters with design
features that make them similar to one another.
type size Height of a typeface, measured from the bottom of its
descenders to the top of its ascenders, expressed in points.
type style Italic, condensed, bold, and other variations of typeface that form
a type family.
TXC total xerographic convergence
UCS Universal Character Set. Printer feature that permits the use of a
variety of character
UCSB Universal Character Set Buffer
UI user interface
UNIX Text Editor Editing window on a Sun workstation controller, used to code
PDL commands in a JSL.
utility program General-purpose program that performs activities, such as
initializing a disk or sorting, which are not specific to any
validation Process of testing a system's ability to meet performance
objectives by measuring and monitoring its performance in a live
value constants Arithmetic values, such as decimal, hexadecimal, octal or
character values.
variable text Text of changing nature, such as various names and addresses
combined with a form letter to make a complete document.
VM virtual memory
virtual page Page area selected by a forms designer for printing.
vpos vertical positioning
VS virtual storage
WAN wide area network
weight Characteristic of type determined by how light or dark it appears.
x axis Horizontal axis on a forms grid.
x dot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch. It may
also be referred to as a picture element (pixel) or spot, for
example, 1/600 spots per inch (spi).
x height Height of lowercase letters without their ascenders or
descenders (height of letter “x”). See also ascender; descender.
XCSC Xerox Customer Support Center
XDGI Xerox DCF and GDDM Interface