Using LCDS Print Description Language Glossary-1
A3 Paper size measuring 297 by 420 mm.
A4 Paper size measuring 210 by 297 mm.
ACT Advanced Customer Training
AFP Advanced Function Printing
AIM Ancillary IOT message processor. System task that initializes the
client layer between the printer and the system controller. It also
displays the Fault, Hint, and information messages.
algorithm Computational procedure that can be repeated any number of
alphanumeric Set of characters including the letters A through Z, numerals 0
through 9, and all printable special symbols.
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ascender Portion of alphabetic character that rises above the body of the
character (its x-height portion). See also descender; x height.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Standard
7-bit code that represents alphanumeric information. Each
alphanumeric character and several nonprinting characters are
assigned a binary number, covering 128 possible characters. It
is used for information interchange among data processing
systems, data communication systems, and associated
asynchronous Transmission in data communications controlled by start and
stop elements at the beginning and end of each character. Thus,
time intervals between transmitted characters may be unequal in
audit log Captures the sheet delivery information for every page in an
audited report, certain details about each sheet, the planned and
actual report control totals, and waste management.
auxiliary menu Menu that contains options not displayed in a window. The
symbol for an auxiliary menu is a box containing three horizontal
B4 Paper size measuring 250 by 353 mm.