Using LCDS Print Description Language Glossary-3
bps bits per second. In serial communication, the instantaneous bit
speed with which a device or channel transmits a character.
BSC binary synchronous communication. 1. Communication using
binary synchronous line discipline. 2. Uniform procedure using a
standardized set of control characters and control character
sequences for synchronous transmission of binary-coded data
between stations.
buffer Compartment of memory in which this data is stored during
transfer from one device to another. This is useful for
accumulating data into blocks before storage or processing and
for adjusting differences of speed between devices, or between
a device and a communicating facility.
Bypass Transport Optional module that moves paper from the last stacker bin to a
finishing device.
byte Fixed number of bits (in data processing, usually 8) operated
upon as a unit. A byte may represent a character, a machine
instruction, or some other logical unit of information.
CDC control data communications
channel 1. In data communications, a path or line that enables two or
more devices to communicate (sometimes called a circuit,
facility, or link). 2. In computers, a path for communication
between the central processing unit (CPU) and input/output
units, or between the CPU and peripheral devices.
character code Code representing alphanumeric information, for example,
character code
Code associated with the universal identifier “Xerox” to indicate
the version of the Xerox character code standard used to code
Interpress strings.
character set Number of different characters used by a particular device,
including alphabetic, numeric, and special characters such as
client layer The software interface used by the controller to communicate
with the printer, allowing printing commands and fault and status
information to be exchanged.
clocking A method of synchronizing the sending and receiving of data
communications devices. Clocking allows synchronous
transmission at high speeds.
cluster A term that is used with LPS systems, referring to a defined
group of feeder trays, usually containing the same size and type
of (stock). Each cluster has a name, consisting of one to six
alphanumeric characters. See also stock; stockset.