terminal Device equipped with a keyboard and connected to a computer
or a network.
testing 1. Process of running a program for the express purpose of
discovering any errors it may contain. 2. For computer-oriented
systems, the process of verifying a system's ability to meet
performance objectives in a simulated environment or validating
its actual performance in a live environment.
text In communications, the content portion of a transmitted
text string Consecutive series of characters to be printed exactly as
specified in a command.
throughput In data processing systems, the amount of data that can be
processed, transmitted, printed, and so on, per a specified unit
of time.
toggle To switch (alternate) from one tray to another. The system will
switch from an active feeder or stacker tray to an inactive one to
allow continuous printing when the proper commands are
token Coded character representing a word used in programs, for
example, STOP is a word and the one-byte token for it in a
BASIC dialect is 250.
track Unit of storage space on a data storage medium, such as a disk.
All information stored in a track can be retrieved or recorded in
one positioning of a read/write head.
trailer In data communications, the last portion of a message that
signals the end.
transaction processing Method of data processing in which files are updated and results
are generated immediately after data entry.
translation 1. In data communications, the conversion of one code to
another on a character-by-character basis. 2. In programming,
the function of a language processor which converts a source
program from one programming language to another.
transmission speed In data communications, the rate at which data is passed through
communication lines, usually measured in bits per inch (bpi).
transmit To send data from one place to another.
truncated Cut off before completion, as when data transfer from a host to
a printer is cut off before all data has been transmitted.