queue List of documents waiting to be processed.
raster data Binary data, usually consisting of dots arranged in scan lines,
according to the print order.
rasterization Creation of a page's bit map image for printing.
record Collection of data or words treated as a unit.
report In setting a separation boundary through the Bin Full Criteria
task, report refers to a subset of a job (a job may consist of one
or more reports).
resolution Number of dots per unit. The LPS imaging system converts a
character from digitized data into a printed image composed of
these tiny dots. The greater the number of dots per inch, that is,
the resolution, the clearer the image that is produced.
response time Time elapsed between an inquiry transmitted from a terminal to a
central processor and the receipt of a response at the same
RIP raster image processor. LPS option that supports the Interpress
V3.0 Publications Set.
ROM Read-only memory. Solid-state memory for programs. It cannot
be rewritten.
save To store programs, data, or text for retrieval at a later time.
scale To adjust font or image size according to given proportions.
scsi Small computer system interface. Common standard for
connecting devices to computers.
scroll Manipulation of a display to bring upper or lower portions of a
document page into view when no space is available for the
entire document at once.
SEF short-edge feed. The movement of paper through the printer in
the direction of the paper width (the shorter side of a sheet of
paper). For the 4135 LPS, short-edge feed allows larger sizes of
paper (up to 11 by 17 inches/279 by 432 mm) to be printed.
segment management A feature that allows a report being printed to be delivered, by
the printing system, in sets ready for a third party finishing
set In setting a separation boundary through the Bin Full Criteria
task, set refers to multiple copies of the same report.