simplex printing Printing on one side of the page. See also duplex printing.
source file File containing source language statements or commands.
special processing Commands allowing the user to process special reports, such as
printing certain records, or printing on special paper.
spot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch, for
example, 300 spots per inch (spi). May also be referred to as a
picture element (pixel) or dot.
statement Detailed written instructions in a program step. A statement is
written according to specific rules called syntax.
static data Information usually found on preprinted forms or overlays.
stock User-defined name in the JSL that specifies a certain type of
paper for printing a job. See also cluster.
stockset Collection of stocks to be used on a print job. See also stock;
storage Retention of information. Primary storage refers to internal
storage where data and program instructions pertinent to current
operations/jobs are held. Auxiliary storage refers to external
media, such as disks or tapes, for use at a later time.
string Connected sequence of alphanumeric characters treated as one
unit of data by a program.
symbol Character used in a computer language to specify a particular
synchronous Efficient encoding of data suitable for high-speed, block-oriented
data transmission by using equal time elements.
syntax Rules governing the structure of expressions in a programming
syntax error System response to a mistake in a command entry.
system 1. In data processing, a collection of parts and procedures
organized to accomplish a set of specific functions. 2. Assembly
of components united by some form of regulated interaction to
form an organized whole. 3. Operations or procedures through
which a business activity is accomplished.
system controller Part of the LPS that provides interfacing capability, data handling,
formatting, buffering, and operator control for the system. Also
referred to as the “ESS.”