Xerox 4500 PS TR
2.4 Share timeout
When Xerox 4500 PS TR operates as a print server for multiple
environments simultaneously, print corruption is avoided by excluding all
other printing as long as a print job is being printed. This is done via a
Share Timeout. The Share Timeout defines an idle time for switching
between printer sessions. As a default, the Share Timeout is set to 20
seconds, but this can be changed via the configuration file (See the
various configuration options for details ).
• • The Share Timeout must be set to a value which is less than the
printer’s internal printer share timer.
• • Native Share Strings:
No share string functionality is included in the Xerox 4500 PS TR
when printing non-IPDS data, so it is up to the application to
ensure the correct printer environment.
IPDS Share Strings
To ensure that the printer environment is corre ct for IPDS printing, share
strings can be programmed using the idaSetup (MakeITDS) Setup
IPDS resources downloaded to the printer are del eted on share
boundaries and are therefore downloaded to the next print job (next
2.5 Network installation
1. Switch off the printer.
2. Connect the UTP cable to the network port on the PrintServer.
If you use the STP cable connection, you must use the cable
supplied with the kit to convert STP to UTP cabling.
3. Switch on the printer.
4. Test the Xerox 4500 PS TR (by pressing the TEST key).