Xerox 4500 PS TR
3.5.3 General Parameters Menu
Type A to enter the submenu for further configuration of the PrintServer.
<PrintServer> Configure PrintServer 0xx.xxx
A) Configure PrintServer Parameters
B) Configure TCP/IP
C) Configure IPX/SPX
D) Configure ida 802.2
E) Configure PU/LU
F) Configure NetBios
F) Configure SNMP
X) Return to previous menu
PrintServer Configuration
<PrintServer> Configure PrintServer 0xx.xxx
A) PS Name
B) Location
C) ContactPerson
D) Local MAC address...........: E) Early Token Release.........:
F) MAC address enabled.......: G) Broadcast Type
H) TCP/IP enabled..................: I) IPX/SPX enabled...............:
J) PU/LU enabled...................: K) NetBeui enabled...............:
L) Share Timeout...................:
M) IRQ Timeout.......................:
N) Hold Timeout.....................:
O) BOOT enabled...................:
X) Save and Return Z) Return without saving
Enter Selection
Remember to
Press A.