Xerox 4500 PS TR
3.1.1 Which Configuration Tool Do I Choose to Configure My PrintServer?
When delivered, the product has a MAC address but no IP address.
If the PrintServer is to be used for TCP/IP print, you need to
define an IP address in the PrintServer. If you wish to
configure via the Web browser or using Telnet, you need to
define an IP address in the PrintServer as well. You do this
in Psinst32 or via BOOTP.
About the IP Address
The IP address is unique in the Internet environment and consists of a
network ID and a host ID. Psinst32
See section 3.3 for details BOOTP Server
BOOTP may also send config files as well as download firmware. See
section 3.7 for details.
3.1.2 In General on Configuration...
The PrintServer can be subject to advanced configuration in general. This
can be done in a number of ways which will be dealt with later in this
document. The various configuration methods are:
⇒ configuration via PSinst32
⇒ configuration using Web browser
⇒ configuration via Telnet
⇒ configuration using a configuration file
⇒ configuration using BOOTP server