The Song Jobs
This job makes it possible to create continuous data of the specified
type in order to produce smooth pitch bends, tempo changes, etc.
The “TR” parameter selects the track to be affected by the Create
Continuous job: “01” … “16” for the sequencer tracks, or “Tm” for the
tempo track.
The “M” parameters above the graphic bar are used to specify the
first measure:beat and last measure:beat of the range to be modified.
The data type parameter determines the type of data to be created
The “Data” parameters set the range of data values to be created:
the left number sets the starting value and the right number sets the end-
ing value. The range of values available will depend on the type of event
The “Clock” parameter sets the spacing between the created
events in clocks: “000” … “999”.
PB Pitch bend events.
CC Control change events. When this event type is selected a con-
trol change number parameter appears to the right of the type
parameter. The control change parameter determines the MIDI
control change number to be created: “000” … “127”.
CAT Channel aftertouch events.
EXC Master volume.
TMP Tempo events (can only be selected for the Tm (Tempo) track).
12 : Create Continuous
First measure
Last measure
First beat
Last beat
Data type