Utility Functions
To transmit (dump) song and/or pattern data to an external device,
first select the UTILITY Bulk Dump mode.
Move the cursor to the upper parameter and use the [-1] and [+1]
buttons to select “Song” if you want to save the data for one song or all
songs, “Style” if you want to save the data for one style or all styles, or
“All” if you want to save all songs, styles, and system setup data including
all amp simulator setups.
If you select “Song”, move the cursor to the song number parame-
ter and select a song number (01 … 20), or “All” to save all songs.
If you select “Style”, move the cursor to the style number parameter
and select a style number (U01 … U64), or “All” to save all styles. Remem-
ber all 6 variation patterns(Intro, Main A/B, Fill AB/BA and Ending) included
in one style will be saved at one time.
When the parameters have been set as required, press [ENTER].
“Are You Sure?” will appear on the display. Press [+1/YES] to go ahead
with the bulk dump operation, or [-1/NO] to cancel. “Completed !” will
appear when the transmission is finished.
● Bulk Reception of Song & Pattern Data
If no other operation is currently in progress (recording, for example)
the QY100 will automatically receive bulk song and pattern data transmitted
from a compatible external device. If you are using the QY100’s MIDI con-
nectors rather than the TO HOST connector, make sure that the MIDI OUT
of the external device is connected to the MIDI IN of the QY100.
Select the QY100 SONG play mode when receiving one or all song
bulk data, and select the PATTERN play mode when receiving one or all
style bulk data. “All” data, including all songs, styles and system setup