The Controls
Select the SONG mode display
(use the [SONG] button, as
described above), then press the
[MENU] button. You should see
the menu shown on the right:
Next press the second function
button (the one immediately to
the right of “Job” on the menu)
to call the SONG mode Job List:
You can now use the cursor but-
tons (up and down only) to select
the various items in the Job List.
Leave the display as it is for now,
and read about the [ENTER] but-
ton, below.
!0 [ENTER] Button
In addition to “entering” chords in the SONG and PATTERN
modes (which we’ll learn about later), the [ENTER] button is used
to “enter” a selected menu function.
Assuming that you’ve gone
through the “TRY THIS:” proce-
dure for the [MENU] and Func-
tion buttons, above, you should
now have the SONG mode Job
List on your QY100 screen. Use
the cursor buttons (up and down
only) to select job number 02
“Modify Velocity”. Now press the [ENTER] button to actu-
ally engage the Modify Velocity job — the display should
look like this:
Since we don’t really want to use the Modify Velocity job,
press the [EXIT] button twice (or the [SONG] button once)
to go back to the SONG mode.