Guided Tour
Guided Tour
Instant Accompaniment
Instant Accompaniment
Before we discover how easy it is to create accompaniments with
the QY100, let’s straighten out some of this confusing terminology: just
what exactly are “patterns”, “styles”, “sections”, and “chord templates”?
● Styles
A “style” is, well, a musical style! Like “blues” or “reg-
gae” or “hip-hop”. The QY100’s 128 styles are like mini-arrange-
ments in different musical styles, including drums/percussion,
bass, chords, counter-lines, etc., depending on the requirements
of the style. Each style is further sub-divided into “sections”.
● Sections
Each style has a number of “sections”, as listed below.
INTRO As the name implies, this section will normally func-
tion as the introduction to a song.
MAIN A The MAIN A section is the one you’d normally use as
the verse of a song.
MAIN B This is a variation of the MAIN A section which can be
used as the chorus or “bridge” section of a song.
FILL AB A break or “fill” that connects the MAIN A section to
the MAIN B section.
In this section we’ll learn how to use the QY100 to create a vast
range of accompaniments without having to do any programming at
all. By combining the 768 preset patterns provided (128 styles x 6 sec-
tions) with 99 preset chord templates we can create … let’s see, um
… a whole lot of accompaniment variations.
But First … So You’ll Know What We’re Talking About