Effects & Effect Editing
x Set the Effect Parameters As Required
Move the cursor to the desired parameter and use the [-1]
and [+1] buttons to set the selected parameter as required. The
REVERB, CHORUS, and VARIATION effect parameters let you
select any of the available effect types for each stage.
The VARIATION stage INSERTION/SYSTEM selector deter-
mines whether the VARIATION stage functions as an insertion
effect or system effect. Refer to the “Effect Signal Flow” dia-
grams and text, below. (In the PATTERN mode effect connection
display, the VARIATION stage is always used as a system effect
that applies to all 8 tracks for the pattern)
Effect Signal Flow
The following diagrams should help you to understand how
the QY100 effect stages relate to overall signal flow.
The signal from each part (track) of the tone generator is
sent to the reverb, chorus and variation stages. The reverb
and chorus effects are always connected as “System”
effects, which means that they affect all parts (tracks). The
effect depth for each track can be varied via the “REVERB”
and “CHORUS” send controls in the EFFECT SEND display
(page 136). The chorus stage “TO REV” parameter can be
used to send some or all of the output from the chorus
stage to the reverb stage.
The variation effect can be applied either to one specific
part (track) when it is connected as an “Insertion” effect, or
all parts (tracks) when it is connected as a “System” effect.