B&K AVP 2030 Car Amplifier User Manual

Page 32
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These star operations do not change the digital settings in the
menu. They are
a temporary change to the mode of the input selected. When the AVP is powered off
and then on, the inputs will default back to the
menu status (Unless a preset
was selected to turn on the AVP).
Other star (
) operation
Star 98 will reset the preamplifier back to the factory presets. This is a master reset for
the preamplifier and will erase everything that was programmed into the system
Factory reset
Reset the AVP before you start. Plug in the power and turn the AVP on. When the
display shows:
Press the
(star) then
and the display will show:
The AVP will turn off and back on, then it will cycle through the three title messages and
then off again. The AVP is now reset to factory defaults. You can perform this
procedure anytime you need to reset the preamplifier to the factory defaults.
All your
presets will be erased.
Do not interrupt the cycle, do not press any buttons
on the remote or preamplifiers face plate.
If you accidentally press a button, you will
have to repeat the reset procedure.
Turn the preamplifier
and the display will show:
You can now program the preamplifier to your desired setup.
This is the same procedure as shown on page 15.