Loudspeaker Kit Assembly Instructions
By following these instructions and assembling the speaker in a conscientious manner, you will be able to enjoy your
speaker for many years to come. If there are any questions during the assembly process, please contact your place
of purchase.
Gather the Necessary Tools
The assembly of your speaker kit requires several basic tools and supplies, though more advanced tools can be
used if desired. The following list represents the basic tools that are required:
Hammer #2 Phillips head screwdriver or power driver
Small wrench or pliers Soldering gun & solder
Silicone adhesive or hot-melt glue gun Wire cutters
Scissors or utility knife (for cutting foam)
Workspace Considerations
As with doing any type of kit assembly, it is best to have a large, clean work area with adequate lighting. Taking a
few minutes to establish a good work area will save time by eliminating lost parts and prevent assembly errors. A
heat-resistant work surface is recommended for the crossover assembly portion. When working with the cabinets, it
is important to cover the work surface with a cloth or foam layer to protect the speaker finish. The foam wrap that is
around the speaker cabinets will work well for this, making sure it is free from dust or other debris.
Getting Organized
To prepare for the kit assembly, you need to do some basic unpacking and organizing first. Open the large speaker
cabinet box and remove the speaker from the packaging. You will need to unwrap the cabinet itself, saving the wrap
to protect your work surface. Remove the baffle from the cabinet, and place the baffle screws someplace safe.
Proceed to unpack binding posts and other packaged items.
1. Install Port Tube
The port tube that is included with your kit needs to be installed into the cabinet. You will need to make the port the
appropriate length by adjusting the sliding straight portion of the tube. When properly adjusted, it should measure 7"
from the end of the outer tube to the outer surface of the mounting flange. In this particular kit, the port size is 2-1/2"
diameter by 7" in length, which is a press-fit style port tube. Applying some adhesive and pressing the port into place
will produce a permanent installation. Apply a small bead of hot-melt glue or silicone to the port tube mounting
flange, and firmly insert into the opening on the rear of the cabinet. If using hot-melt glue, be sure to work quickly to
avoid having the glue cool before it is inserted into the cabinet. If you are using silicone adhesive, allow the adhesive
to “set” for a period of time per the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Install Binding Posts
The posts will need to be “knocked” into place with a hammer and secured from the inside of the cabinet. Start by
placing the cabinet face-down onto the work surface, being sure that the cabinet is firmly supported.