User's Guide Organization
User's Guide (this guide) This guide provides information on safely using this product, basic operating methods, and
troubleshooting. Make sure you read this guide before using the product.
Start Guide This guide provides information on using this product for the rst time.
Reference Guide This guide provides information on applications supported by this product, product settings,
and troubleshooting. This guide can be viewed as a PDF le or Help application. See http://
www.epson.com for more details.
Symbols Used in this Guide
Safety symbols
This symbol indicates information that, if ig-
nored, could possibly result in serious personal
injury or even death due to incorrect handling.
This symbol indicates information that, if
ignored, could possibly result in personal
injury or physical damage due to incor-
rect handling.
General information symbols
Indicates procedures which may result in dam-
age or injury if sucient care is not taken.
Indicates additional information and
points which may be useful to know re-
garding a topic.
[ ]
Indicates icons and menu items displayed on
the screen, and the names of controller keys.
Indicates a reference to related topics.