CLI Commands B-45
show ipx sap settings
Displays information about SAP for IPX.
show ipx settings Displays settings for dynamic IPX networks. You can modify these values using the
set ipx system command.
Default Gateway - default IPX router address
Max Open Sockets - maximum allowed number of open sockets to
remote IPX networks
Max Hops - maximum allowed hops to remote IPX networks.
Priority - preferred ranking of dynamic IPX networks
Dynamic Address Pool Begin - starting IPX address
Dynamic Address Pool Size - number of addresses to reserve for dynamic
IPX address assignments
show memory Displays System DRAM Memory usage.
Total System Memory Resources - total amount of memory in system
Free Memory - amount of memory not in use
Code Size - amount of memory used by code
Initialized Data Size, Uninitialized Data Size, Stack Size - static data
show network <name>
Displays the configured settings for the specified network. The display varies
depending on the type of network specified. Some of the settings displayed are
Interfaces, Network Address, Frame Type, Status, User Name, and Spawning Tree
show network <name>
Displays the statistical counters for the specified network. The display varies
depending on the type of network specified. Some of the counters are Received
Frames, Transmitted Frames, and Discarded Frames.
show ppp on vc
<vc_name> counters
This shows counters for the Point to Point Protocol on the Virtual Circuit.
show ppp on vc
<vc_name> settings
This shows the settings for the Point to Point Protocol on the Virtual Circuit.
Parameters Description
settings Displays the state of the IPX routing. This is ON or OFF.
counters Displays the Incorrect SAP Packets for the IPX routing. The incorrect SAP
packets are the number of SAP packets that do not make sense.